A Bestseller Journey Through the Benelux with teNeues and Gallery Sous Terre

The SOUS TERRE Gallery, one of the most competent and largest galleries in the Netherlands, shortly held an Art Fair and again another exhibition with my art work in Lithoijen last weekend, 14th - 15th September 2024. Some 25 large formats of my floral art prints were shown to a few thousand visitors over the wonderful sunny weekend in Holland.



Breaking News

FLORAL, my newest Coffee Table Art Book now is a bestseller book in the Netherlands.

A new exhibition at the SOUS TERRE Gallery in Lithoijen coinciding with another exhibition at the Appeltern Art Fair will be held shortly.

I will therefore be holding a lecture about photographic floral art, complemented by a book signing session on 14th September, 2024.



On 18 September 2019, famed German culture magazine Profifoto reported about Richard´s impressive exhibition A Tribute to Flowers. The exhibition, which was held at the Flower Art Museum in Amsterdam-Aalsmeer from 12th October 2019 to 5th January 2020, featured over 50 large-format FineArt prints on high-quality Hahnemühle sustainable FineArt papers. The exhibition was Europe´s largest single floral photographic exhibition ever held. Hahnemühle FineArt supported this project as part of its Green Rooster initiative.


FLOWER AMBASSADORS to save the planet.

Austrias reknowed newspaper KURIER (Freizeit Magazine) publishes Richards sustainable art work and his new art book FLORAL. March 2024 edition.



Due to Richards Asian heritage, Richard dedicated a series of his renown floral art work to his roots that once were established in Northern China some 100 years ago. German from descent his family emigrated from Europe to China at the cradle of the last Century.


Rhein Neckar Zeitung •• Als könnten Blumen sprechen

Die inspirierende Geschichte von Richard Fischer im Buch 'Floral' wurde in der Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung in der Ausgabe vom Samstag/Sonntag, 2./3. Dezember 2023, von Autor Rolf Kienle präsentiert. Kienles Worte fangen die Faszination und den bedeutenden Beitrag von Fischers Fotografien ein, die weit über das bloße Abbilden von Blumen hinausgehen. In seiner Darstellung betont er die eindringliche Botschaft von 'Floral', die uns dazu einlädt, die Schönheit der Natur zu schätzen und gleichzeitig ihre gefährdete Existenz zu bedenken.



All images in the art book FLORAL are also available as art prints, like this one here. They can be larger - they can be smaller. Quite a few sizes are possible.

In case of interest please consult me:

Thank you.


Fashion meets Flower • Yasemin Özeri

Yasemin Özeri, a passionate and renowned fashion designer in Istanbul, Turkey, dedicated a prominent space in her showroom and a page on her website to my last art book A Tribute to Flowers. One of the very best presentations and an honor for me. No wonder as Yasemin, her first name, represents the flower that symbolizes love, beauty, purity, and sensuality. Thank You so much, dear Yasemin!

read Yasemin Özeri Blogpost





FLORAL art supplement in India. With 5 million readers worldwide, India's largest art magazine.

8 pages in the November 2023 online edition.


Flowers Everlasting • Edition Panorama

Our photographer Richard Fischer first had the idea of photographing pure flowers against a white background. What appears so light and simple is the result of labor-intensive preparations, has received many awards - and was copied many times. In EDITION PANORAMAs program for 20 years now, this calendar reliably inspires with ever new images: from specimens that everyone has on their balcony or in the garden, to exotic plants whose names only crafty botanists know. A real enthusiast's calendar and the leader in this segment.


FLORAL • Richard Fischer • teNeues

Renown artist and “Flower Ambassador” Richard Fischer publishes a new Coffee Table Picture Book. Fischer is one of the most prominent botanical photographers worldwide. Due to his commitment and his unique portraits of endangered blossoms, he is also referred to as the “Ambassador of Flowers”. Richard Fischer was born in Manila, Philippines, and moved to Europe at the age of twelve. He now lives in France and in Germany. Forty years ago he established himself as a professional photographer and has been prized with numerous international awards. Over the last twenty years, Fischer focused on portraying flowers likened to “Floral Sculptures“. His images are fragile and mesmerizing alike, as flowers represent the ultimate form of beauty. With his commitment to art, Fischer creates awareness of nature’s fragility.


Exhibition Kaifeng City, China

Just In ! My second Exhibition in China in 2022 is on display. Kaifeng City´s Art Space in central Henan province showcases Richards floral art work, set up and organized by PASHMIN ART, Chongqing Gallery Branch. The exhibit is on from 18 March 2022 – 30 April 2022. So far over 360,000 passers-by alone in 2022 have seen my floral art work.



In March 2022, the contemporary BURN-IN Gallery will take the artists Richard Fischer and Linda Steinthórsdóttir on a journey into the extravagant worlds of nature and culture, inspired by happiness, and will occupy another atypical art space in the heart of Vienna, the traditional Gerngross department stores'.
