Time to redefine Culture

Time to redefine Culture
The Floral Sculptures & Endangered Species Society (FS & ES) was founded in 2010. At its center is one of the largest art collections for endangered flower species worldwide.
Its main targets are to foster and promote documentation and global news spreading, to organize exhibitions and events for creating awareness for the sensitive and endangered flora through exclusive art photography on behalf of the scientific foundation. For this purpose FS & ES Society cooperates with various Botanical Gardens worldwide.
Artist Richard Fischer, CEO of FS & ES Society, has dedicated a significant number of his art work to endangered flora, to ensure the continuous development of the very special collection.
As a member of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature | Commission for Education and Communication | Gland, Switzerland), Richard Fischer has been nominated for many art awards and won a variety of them. The CEC (Commission of Education and Communication) is one of the six commissions of IUCN, a global network of active, voluntary, professional experts, that focus on sustainability and change.
Vice Chairman: Dr. Dieter Krahl.
Art is the new currency.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
FS & ES Society offers a wide range of sponsorship possibilities. Invest in this unique art project and benefit from the outstanding art photography with scientific background. FS & ES Society is a reliable, professional team player, that creates customized solutions for lateral-thinking companies. If you are ready for an ultimate CSR project, which enriches corporate culture, image, awareness and beyond that fosters endangered species, you are very welcome.
FS & ES art photography is playing an important role in cooperation with CEC and it's cutting edge global network for conservation and sustainable development learning. As resources are limited, FS & ES is permanently looking for sponsors, patrons, private donors and project-partners helping to fund the projects and spreading them out into the world.
John Lennon
We seek to save a planet, a world of life.
Reconciling the needs of human beings and the needs of others that share the Earth, we seek to practice conservation that is humane in the broadcast sense.
We seek to install in people everywhere a discriminating, yet unabashed, reverence for nature and to balance that reverence with a profound belief in human possibilities. From the smallest community to the largest organization, we seek to inspire others who can advance the cause of conservation.
We seek to be the voice for those creatures who have no voice. We speak for their future. We seek to apply the wealth of our talents, knowledge, and passion to making the world wealthier in life, in spirit, and in living wonder of nature.
Carter Roberts, CEO WWF
Mahatma Ghandi