A Bestseller Journey Through the Benelux with teNeues and Gallery Sous Terre

The SOUS TERRE Gallery, one of the most competent and largest galleries in the Netherlands, shortly held an Art Fair and again another exhibition with my art work in Lithoijen last weekend, 14th - 15th September 2024. Some 25 large formats of my floral art prints were shown to a few thousand visitors over the wonderful sunny weekend in Holland.

Besides that, my 10th art book FLORAL, now an art book bestseller in Belgium, Luxemburg and the Netherlands was showcased by Bastiaan Vries and Tamara de Mul with his company PERSELL, the official teNeues distributers in the BENELUX countries. Together we held a signing session for the successful art book FLORAL, so everyone was happy and found either a limited edition art print or a personally signed art book to take home.

I also held a lecture on my art work explaining my history, my photographic journey and my art visions. In summary it was a wonderful adventure for all of us, as quite a few art collectors and art enthusiasts showed a great deal of interest in Nol de Groot´s gallery and his sponsored art fair this year anew.

For me and so many others, gallery SOUS TERREs art events are a highlight and always a reason to fly to the Netherlands to embrace and share Nol de Groot´s stunning art events.

Thank you everyone for making my journey to the Netherlands another prosperous experience, and having the opportunity of meeting so many interested and enthusiastic art collectors.
