Valued voices
Ulrich Tukur

Valued Voices

Richard Fischer is renown for his exhibition concept A TRIBUTE TO FLOWERS, with many exhibitions, i.e. at the United Nations Europe (UNOG) and in close collaboration with Chinas renowned Academy of Arts, Hangzhou, shown at the Ningbo Museum of Art. Fischer has embarked on another global project emphasizing his statement in creating awareness for our dilapidating environment, specifically tolling the immens loss of our floral world. More than 1,000,000 species are bound for extinction in the next decade, if we do not change our attitude nor offer quick solutions. Creating awareness in this issue is precondition to any global change and therefore Richards main focus. Exceptional personalities are confronted with a flower out of Fischers archives to demonstrate duality between man and nature. Each prominent person suggests their very personal statement to flowers coinciding with the importance of our botanical worlds and the catastrophic conditions we are heading for.


A weighty work can attract enormous attention as it has the potential to penetrate deeply into the consciousness of the masses through the voice of world-wide well-known personalities. Outstanding people that everyone knows and treasures are taken serious, and will be heard by a prominent and broad community alike.

Rechte Spalte
Rechte Spalte

What is A VOICE FOR FLOWERS all about?

We seek to be the voice for those creatures who have no voice. We speak for their future. We seek to apply the wealth of our talents, knowledge, and passion to making the world wealthier in life, in spirit, and in living wonders of nature.

The issue is immense for mankind and one person alone will not manage the change in minds and in reality. As a visualizer I see my task very clearly and I feel encouraged and urged to continue my life's work. Not for me, for all of us, but above all for our children and further generations to follow.

Since I have the utmost respect for you and your life, it is vital to seek your participation in this project, which not only will be illustrated in a grand picture book, but will also have an enormous echo in global media, social networks, museums and television broadcasts. After such successful contribution with the early project A TRIBUTE TO FLOWERS - A VOICE FOR FLOWERS only is the consistent application in reaching out to a majority of man for the sake and future of all humankind.